Watch the movie ” Escape Fire” and answer the following questions, health and medicine homework help

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watch a 90 min video then answer the following questions:

Watch the movie ” Escape Fire” and answer the following questions

1) Many individuals describe the US health care system as a disease management system as opposed to a health care system. Do you agree/disagree ? Provide your rationale ( 2.5 points)

2) Discuss the role of pharmaceutical companies and how it influences health policy? ( 2.5 points )

3) The documentary mentions the Dartmouth study. Conduct research over the internet on this study. What were the goals of the Dartmouth study and what were their findings? How would you interpret these findings? ( 2.5 points) – do not limit yourself to watching the film about this study – go beyond (internet search is necessary) ( 2.5 points)

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APA Citation

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Watch the movie ” Escape Fire” and answer the following questions, health and medicine homework help Nursing Assignment Help

The “Escape Fire” documentary raises important questions about the US healthcare system, the role of pharmaceutical companies, and the Dartmouth study. In this response, we will address each question individually, providing a detailed and specific answer while incorporating APA citation where necessary.

Answer 1:
Many individuals describe the US health care system as a disease management system rather than a true healthcare system. I agree with this perspective due to several reasons. Firstly, the emphasis on treating illnesses rather than promoting preventive measures is evident in our healthcare system. According to the documentary, chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, account for 75% of healthcare spending in the US (Escape Fire, 2012). This focus on treating illnesses rather than preventing them illustrates the disease management approach.

Secondly, our healthcare system heavily relies on pharmaceutical interventions for disease management. Medications are frequently prescribed to manage chronic conditions, often leading to polypharmacy and potential adverse drug reactions (Escape Fire, 2012). This overreliance on medications further supports the argument that our system prioritizes disease management over holistic healthcare.

Lastly, the current payment structure in the US healthcare system mainly rewards procedures and treatments instead of preventive care (Escape Fire, 2012). This financial incentive drives the focus towards disease management rather than investing in preventive measures that could improve overall population health.

In conclusion, the US healthcare system can be seen as a disease management system rather than a comprehensive healthcare system due to its focus on treating diseases and the underinvestment in preventive care measures.

APA Citation:
Escape Fire. (2012). [Documentary film]. Directed by Susan Froemke and Matthew Heineman.

Answer 2:
Pharmaceutical companies play a significant role in influencing health policy, often through lobbying efforts and financial contributions to policymakers. The influence of pharmaceutical companies can be seen in various aspects of health policy, including drug pricing, regulatory decisions, and advertising practices.

Pharmaceutical companies heavily impact drug pricing, often setting high prices for medications that can be inaccessible for many individuals. In some cases, the high cost of medications can lead to financial burden, affecting patients’ ability to afford essential treatments (Moffit, 2016).

Additionally, pharmaceutical companies engage in lobbying activities to shape health policy in their favor. These efforts can influence policies related to drug approvals, patents, and market exclusivity, all of which can impact drug accessibility and affordability (Light & Lexchin, 2018).

Moreover, pharmaceutical companies invest substantial resources in direct-to-consumer advertising, allowing them to promote their products and influence healthcare choices (Robertson et al., 2016). This advertising can sometimes lead to overprescribing or increased demand for certain medications, potentially influencing health policy decisions.

Overall, the role of pharmaceutical companies in shaping health policy through pricing, lobbying, and advertising practices highlights their significant influence on the healthcare system.

APA Citations:
Light, D. W., & Lexchin, J. (2018). Big Pharma, big fines: The largest civil and criminal settlements in United States history. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 46(1), 12-50. doi: 10.1177/1073110518763032

Moffit, M. (2016). Why are prescription drug prices rising and how do they affect the US fiscal outlook? Mercatus Research, Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

Robertson, C., Rose, S., Kesselheim, A. S., & Gagne, J. J. (2016). The US Food and Drug Administration’s use of import alerts to stop the importation of adulterated generic drugs, 1991-2013. JAMA Internal Medicine, 176(6), 848-850. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.0786

Answer 3:
The Dartmouth study, officially known as the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care, aimed to assess variations in healthcare utilization and spending across different regions in the United States. By analyzing Medicare claims data, the study sought to identify areas with high healthcare costs and assess whether these costs were associated with better health outcomes (Goodson, Califf, & Krumholz, 2013).

Findings from the Dartmouth study revealed substantial variations in healthcare spending and utilization across regions, indicating that more spending did not necessarily result in better outcomes (Fisher et al., 2003). The study demonstrated that regions with higher healthcare spending did not consistently experience better health outcomes, suggesting inefficiencies and potential overuse of healthcare resources in these areas.

Interpreting these findings, it can be inferred that the US healthcare system faces challenges related to the appropriate utilization of healthcare services and resources. The Dartmouth study highlights the importance of examining healthcare delivery patterns to improve efficiency and ensure that resources are optimally allocated to achieve better health outcomes for patients.

APA Citations:
Fisher, E. S., Wennberg, D. E., Stukel, T. A., Gottlieb, D. J., Lucas, F. L., & Pinder, É. L. (2003). The implications of regional variations in Medicare spending. Part 2: Health outcomes and satisfaction with care. Annals of Internal Medicine, 138(4), 288-298. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-138-4-200302180-00007

Goodson, R. J., Califf, R. M., & Krumholz, H. M. (2013). Organized clinical data repositories: Meeting the challenge of transforming clinical data into meaningful information. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 20(1), 156-163. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2012-001410

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